Argument Petera Ungera za nihilizmem mereologicznym


  • Krzysztof Hansen Instytut Filozofii, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Słowa kluczowe:

ontology, mereological nihilism, the special composition question


In this paper I am analyzing Peter Unger’s famous argument in favour of mereological nihilism (according to this view elementary particles are the only existing objects), called: „Sorites of Decomposition”. This argument is based on the fact that we can remove one, single atom from a compound object without making it ceased to exist.

First I present different versions of Sorites of Decomposition and different ways of rejecting this argument — like appealing to common sense or essential properties. Finally I argue that one of the premises from the original version of the argument is obviously false — we cannot always remove one single atom from an object without making it ceased to exist.




Jak cytować

Hansen, K. (2011). Argument Petera Ungera za nihilizmem mereologicznym. Filozofia Nauki, 19(2), 85–97. Pobrano z